In addition to our Metallurgical and Thermal products we also ship high quality coal into the Silicon Metal industry. This is an extremely pure coal that is highly sought after. If you would like more information on this product please contact us directly to discuss in more detail. We have the capability to size coal to meet a variety of special requirements. If you have any unusual or nonstandard requirements, we welcome the opportunity to supply your needs. Some of our Specialty products are listed below.
Silicon Metal/Ferro Silicon Coal
Volatile Matter: 35-40% Dry Basis
Ash: 1.0-3.0% Dry Basis
Sulfur: 0.85% Dry Basis
Size 31mm- 3mm dependent on facility needs
Stoker Coal/sized coal:
BTU: 12,500 avg.
Volatile Matter: 35-37% Dry Basis
Ash: 5-10% Dry Basis
Sulfur: 0.85-1.5% Dry Basis
Size 5 inch - 1/4 inch dependent on facility needs
Volatile Matter: 35-36.5% Dry Basis
Ash Content: 7.5-9.5 % Dry Basis
Sulfur: 0..75-1.0% Dry Basis
FSI: 4-6 average
BTU 12,500 average